Connect to a Deployment — MongoDB Shell
| 2023-8-4
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This page shows how to use the MongoDB Shell to connect to a MongoDB deployment.
This page shows how to use the MongoDB Shell to connect to a MongoDB deployment.
To use the MongoDB Shell, you must have a MongoDB deployment to connect to.
You can use the MongoDB Shell to connect to MongoDB version 4.2 or greater.
To connect to a MongoDB deployment running on localhost with default port 27017, run mongosh without any options:
This is equivalent to the following command:
To specify a port to connect to on localhost, you can use either:
  • The -port command-line option
For example, the following commands connect to a deployment running on localhost port 28015:
To specify a remote host and port, you can use either:
  • The -host and -port command-line options. If you omit the -port option, mongosh uses the default port 27017.
For example, the following commands connect to a MongoDB deployment running on host and port 28015:


Connect to MongoDB Atlas

If your remote host is an Atlas cluster, you can copy your connection string from the Atlas UI. To learn more, see Connect to a Cluster in the Atlas documentation.
Specify different connection options to connect to different types of deployments.
To connect to a MongoDB deployment that requires authentication, use the --username and --authenticationDatabase options. mongosh prompts you for a password, which it hides as you type.
For example, to authenticate as user alice on the admin database, run the following command:
To provide a password as part of the connection command instead of using the prompt, use the --password option. Use this option for programmatic usage of mongosh, like a driver.
To connect to a replica set, you can either:
  • Explicitly specify the replica set name and members in the connection string.
To use the DNS seedlist connection format, include the +srv modifier in your connection string.
For example, to connect to a replica set on, run the following command:


+srv TLS Behavior

When you use the +srv connection string modifier, MongoDB automatically sets the --tls connection option to true. To override this behavior, set --tls to false.
You can specify individual replica set members in the connection string.
For example, to connect to a three-member replica set named replA, run the following command:


directConnection Parameter Added Automatically

When you specify individual replica set members in the connection string, mongosh automatically adds the directConnection=true parameter, unless at least one of the following is true:
  • The replicaSet query parameter is present in the connection string.
  • The connection string uses the mongodb+srv:// connection string format.
  • The connection string contains a seed list with multiple hosts.
  • The connection string already contains a directConnection parameter.
When directConnection=true, all operations are run on the host specified in the connection URI.
To connect to a deployment using TLS, you can either:
  • Use the DNS Seedlist Connection Format. The +srv connection string modifier automatically sets the tls option to true for the connection.
    • For example, to connect to a DNS seedlist-defined replica set with tls enabled, run the following command:
  • Set the -tls option to true in the connection string.
    • For example, to enable tls with a connection string option, run the following command:
  • Specify the -tls command-line option.
    • For example, to connect to a remote host with tls enabled, run the following command:
To connect to a specific database, specify a database in your connection string URI path. If you do not specify a database in your URI path, you connect to the test database.
For example, to connect to a database called qa on localhost, run the following command:
If you are already connected to a deployment in the MongoDB Shell, you can use the Mongo() or connect() method to connect to a different deployment from within the MongoDB Shell.
To learn how to connect to a different deployment using these methods, see Open a New Connection.
To verify your current database connection, use the db.getMongo() method.
The method returns the connection string URI for your current connection.
To disconnect from a deployment and exit mongosh, perform one of the following actions:
  • Type .exit, exit, or exit().
  • Type quit or quit().
  • Press Ctrl + D.
  • Press Ctrl + C twice.
The shell displays a warning message when you connect to non-genuine MongoDB instances. Non-genuine instances may behave differently from the official MongoDB instances due to missing, inconsistent, or incomplete features.
  • Kerberos authentication does not allow authMechanismProperties=CANONICALIZE_HOST_NAME:true|false in the connection string. Instead, use either:
    • authMechanismProperties=CANONICALIZE_HOST_NAME:forward
    • authMechanismProperties=CANONICALIZE_HOST_NAME:forwardAndReverse
    • authMechanismProperties=CANONICALIZE_HOST_NAME:none
  • mongosh currently only supports the zlib compressor. The following compressors are not supported:
    • zstd
    • snappy > 本文由简悦 SimpRead 转码